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The APC WNSP and GKP Gender and ICT Awards aim to honor and bring international recognition to innovative and effective projects by women to use ICTs for the promotion of gender equality and/or women’s empowerment.

Specifically, the Awards’ objectives are to:

  • Recognise gender and ICT initiatives globally and provide further impetus for others to mainstream gender in the field of ICTs for women’s empowerment, and therefore support our advocacy work;
  • Provide a much-needed venue to recognise community-based or small-scale initiatives designed and implemented by women and women’s organisations/networks; while providing recognition to larger scale but cost-effective multi-stakeholder initiatives;
  • Provide much needed opportunities to develop new collaborations/partnerships and opportunities for upscaling small-scale and community-based initiatives.
  • To increase the profile as well as knowledge and networking base of both APC WNSP and GKP in the area of gender and ICTs.