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The Gender and ICTs Network came about following a workshop on the gender dimensions of ICT policies in Senegal, held in November 2002.

Regentic, as the network is also known, is working to promote gender analysis of the ICT sector in Senegal and initiate a dialogue process between the regulation authorities, women’s organisations and civil society working for gender justice in Senegal. ENDA Synfev is one of the network coordinators.

The network works in partnership with actors from the public, private, national and international sectors engaged in cooperation for development.

A major achievement in 2003 was the setting out of a Plan of Action for 2003–05 for the network, looking ahead to the second phase of WSIS in Tunis 2005.

Author: —- (APCNews)


Source: APCNews

Date: 11/29/2004

Location: MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay

Category: Women and ICTs
