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Important notes

Draft of APC STRATEGIC PLAN 2013-2016 and Interactive presentation of the document

Timing of real time presentations of APC Strategic Plan 2013-16

For link to APC meeting space, see council list archives or write to Karel


In preparation for our next planning cycle, 2013-16, the APC board decided earlier this year that the APC’s strategic goals and key result areas (KRAs) of 2009-2012 are likely to continue to be relevant over the next few years. Project evaluations and monitoring reports have shown that APC has made significant progress in each of the KRAs. APC now needs to strengthen the impact of its work through a review of implementation to date and assessment of current and emerging priorities. Therefore, the process of planning for 2013-16 will start with a critical review of APC’s current KRAs to:

  • assess APC and member-level achievements over the last 4-5 years
  • decide which KRAs we want to continue with, to prioritise or de-prioritise, and,
  • identify new priorities we need to address in the coming years.

APC’s current KRAs are:

KRA 1: Affordable internet access for all
KRA 2: Using emerging technologies for social change
KRA 3: Making technology work for environmental sustainability
KRA 4: Building the “information commons”
KRA 5: Securing and defending Internet rights
KRA 6: Improving governance, including the governance of the internet


diagram showing Strategic Planning process

Phase I of APC’s strategic planning process will involve consultations with members, partners and staff. These consultations will focus on:

  • Assessing achievements in responding to current KRAs
  • Reflecting on the relevance and importance of each KRA
  • Broadly, identifying challenges and priorities for 2013-2016

Information will be gathered from members, some partners and staff through a standard questionnaire. Members and partners will be asked to respond as“organisations” by convening a preparatory discussion before they fill in the questionnaire. In some cases where resources and time permit, preparatory discussions may be facilitated by APC staff. Survey responses will be discussed and deepened through follow up interviews.

During Phase II, members will reflect on the results of Phase I in online regional discussions. These discussions will also identify regional issues, potential new members, and opportunities for collaboration. Feedback from the online regional discussions will provide input for the first draft of the new strategic plan.

During Phase III, a face-to-face meeting (September 1-3) with the board and staff and a few additional members will be convened to discuss the Strategic Action Plan for 2013-16. From the discussions and agreements of this meeting, a second draft of the new strategic plan will be prepared.

Phase IV will consist of presenting the draft to members for input and, after this input has been incorporated, for approval by the council. A monitoring and evaluation framework will also be developed during this period.



  • Conduct survey
  • Conduct in-depth interviews with members as needed
  • Prepare report of survey and interview results


  • Hold online regional discussions (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America)
  • Analyse feedback from regional and global discussions
  • Prepare first draft of strategic plan for discussion at the strategic planning meeting


  • Strategic planning discussion at face-to-face board meeting
  • Revise strategic plan and circulate to members, staff and partners

October / November

  • Online discussion with members to get input on draft plan
  • Incorporate feedback from members
  • Formal council meeting to approve 2013-2016 plan

The planning process will be coordinated by Chat Garcia Ramilo working with a team made up of “Debbie Budlender”: debbie.budlender — (our evaluation consultant), “Anriette Esterhuysen”: anriette —, “Valentina Pelizzer”: valentina.pellizzer —, “Liz Probert”: liz —, “Karel Novotný”: karel — and “Elly Krumwiede”: apcintern —, a research intern with APC until October.

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