This section features articles that are meant to inform readers about perspectives, issues and debates around certain topics considered relevant within the ICT arena, as well as highlights about all those activities and themes that matter to the APC network and the spaces we engage in.
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Video4Change Network: Working together to improve the world
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Take Back the Tech!
Les voix du changement : Journée Internationale de la Femme
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¡Dominemos la tecnología!
Voces de cambio: Día internacional de las mujeres
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Take Back the Tech!
Voices of change: International Women's Day
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Anriette Esterhuysen
Internet and Jurisdiction process: “Non-binding does not have to equal non-accountability"
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Rhizomatica gana el Mozilla Off-the-Grid Challenge
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7amleh – the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
7amleh conducts survey of digital activism of Palestinian civil society organisations
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Bruno Zilli and Horacio Sivori