This section is a space where APC's staff, members and readers can open up conversations on topics that are of interest for the ICT community. It is a space where authors get to be themselves – sometimes to express opinions and challenge the readers on issues and topics that are close to them, sometimes to share their personal experience on an event or a current debate. The views expressed in this section do not necessarily reflect the views of APC or its network, but that does not make them any less valuable.
| APC Talk
TEDIC: Inteligencia artificial en la Sala Constitucional en Paraguay
| Seeding change
Seeding change: May First Movement Technology converges around technology and direct activism
| Semer le changement
Semer le changement : la Digital Empowerment Foundation réduit les écarts entre les genres et la fracture numérique dans l’Inde rurale
| Sembrando cambios
Sembrando cambios: Fundación Fantsuam moviliza las TIC para luchar contra la pobreza y la desigualdad en el norte de Nigeria
| APC Talk
Florencia Goldsman para
Internet minada y seis reglas para entender las reglas narrativas antiderechos
| APC Talk
Nodo TAU
Nodo TAU: El trabajo en la recuperación del plástico
| APC Talk
Código Sur
Código Sur: El reto de cuidar el medio ambiente de la mano de la tecnología
| Sembrando cambios
Sembrando cambios: PROTEGE QV, de Camerún, sobre cómo ampliar el esfuerzo por los derechos digitales hacia todo el continente
| APC Talk
Brindaalakshmi. K for
Transgender Act in India: A law that replicates existing challenges with digitisation?
| APC Talk
Cecilia Maundu for