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“Yo elijo a mi pareja” (I choose my partner) say women of all ages, shapes, sizes and sexual orientation in the FTX video, created by participants at the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX) in Mexico in July 2010. Videos are now up on YouTube! To view the videos, please go to:

The one-day video production session was part of a three-day workshop with women’s rights advocates. The FTX was organized in conjunction with Association for Progressive Communications partner LaNeta and Women’s Programme member Modemmujer, and is part of the APC WNSP MDG3 Project Take Back the Tech! to end violence against women.

FTXs train women’s rights advocates in essential internet, audio and other technical skills to enable them to use technology to more effectively document abuses, build knowledge, disseminate information, mobilise support and amplify pressures for change.

Find out more information about FTXs