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6828 results found
APC condemns brutal state attacks on Oaxacan civil society
mallory - 06/21/2016 - 00:00
Global Commission on Internet Governance Report: One Internet
leila - 06/22/2016 - 00:00
“The African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms is just an instrument, but quite an important one"
leila - 06/23/2016 - 00:00
Civil society at OECD event in Mexico rejects repression in Oaxaca
flavia - 06/23/2016 - 00:00
"The ICT sector should be driving global discussion about respect for human rights in the private sector"
leila - 06/24/2016 - 00:00
Inside the Information Society: Putting ICTs to rights
flavia - 06/24/2016 - 00:00
APC signs letter supporting Internet Steering Committee of Brazil
leila - 06/28/2016 - 00:00
Inside the Information Society: Connecting ICTs to economic, social and cultural rights
flavia - 07/01/2016 - 00:00
APC welcomes Human Rights Council resolution on the internet and human rights
leila - 07/01/2016 - 00:00
UNHRC: Resolution reaffirming human rights online adopted
leila - 07/01/2016 - 00:00