Search results
6828 results found
Gender and information & communication technology Awards 2005
webmaster - 02/15/2005 - 00:00
APC announces new project: “End violence: women's rights and safety online”
agustina - 07/11/2012 - 00:00
Panel debate: Financing the information society in the South
webmaster - 02/15/2005 - 00:00
APC 2013-16 Strategic Planning Overview
karel - 07/12/2012 - 00:00
WSIS Update: APC research on developing country participation during PrepCom-2
webmaster - 02/15/2005 - 00:00
Connect Your Rights! New and upcoming challenges
agustina - 07/26/2012 - 00:00
2004-5 APC Africa Hafkin Prize - closed for applications
webmaster - 02/14/2005 - 00:00
Create, connect, transform: Allied Media Conference engages media & communications tools to improve communities
agustina - 07/13/2012 - 00:00
Media Trade Monitor reports from UNESCO meeting
webmaster - 02/04/2005 - 00:00
Internet governance: An opinion report on the UN working group leading the debate
webmaster - 02/02/2005 - 00:00