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General newsletters


APCNews in English, APCNouvelles in French and APCNoticias in Spanish are APC’s flagship newsletters distributed twice a month. APCNews offers original news stories on how the internet is being used around the world for social justice and to promote sustainable development. Be the first to find out about APC’s ground-breaking policy work, research and publications. Sign up using the box on the right.

Visit the APCNews archives or view text only archives [in English]
Visit APCNoticias archives or view text only archives
Visit APCNouvelles archives or view text only archives

Gender Centred from

Focuses on topical gender and information and communication policy themes, Gender Centred is written for women’s rights advocates, policy makers and others concerned about gender-inclusive ICT policies. There are an average of four issues or more per year. The bulletin is available in English and Spanish.
Subscribe [in English and Spanish]
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Chakula (the Swahili word for ‘food’) is APC’s occasional Africa ICT policy newsletter.
See Chakula past issues [in English]

Discontinued newsletters

APC-Africa-Women’s Pula

Pula profiled the work and activities of women’s ICT initiatives in Africa and of the AAW network.
See past issues of Pula [in English]

Latin American ICT policy bulletin

APC’s Latin American newsletter on ICT policies and internet rights was produced by the Latin American and the Caribbean ICT Policy Monitor. Policy content is now collected on the APC website.
See past LAC boletin issues [in Spanish]