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In a letter to the Zambian ministry for communications and transport, APC has commended the Zambian government for its efforts in drafting a holistic national ICT policy and for disseminating the draft online to make it possible for the public to submit comments. “We value the broad definition of ICT adopted early in the document,” says APC, but “Some important policy concerns are mentioned as action points for implementation without a clear enough policy position that would give direction during implementation. Some are left out altogether.” Read the full letter as featured in this month’s “Chakula” – APC’s ICT policy newsletter for African civil society.

Comments by APC (Association for Progressive Communications),

30 April 2004

Contact: Emmanuel Njenga Njuguna –

1. General comments

The APC wants to commend the drafting team for their efforts and

for disseminating the document via the internet and for making

it possible for members of the public to submit their comments.

We also value that broad definition of ICT adopted early in the

document: “ICT for purposes of this document is a generic

term used to express the convergence of telecommunications, computer

science, broadcasting, postal and information services in the

delivery of social and economic services and products.”

We found Chapter 2, which provider an overview of the current

ICT context and institutional and regulatory framework very helpful.

Infrastructure focus

The draft National Zambian ICT Policy framework refers to linkages

with wider national development policy documents such as the

Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and the Transitional National

Development Plan. However, it then seems to dive straight into

infrastructure focused issues with little mention or concern

for wider policy issues that have a relationship with ICTs. For

example, issues such as content development, privacy and surveillance,

communications rights, and intellectual ‘property’.

In other words, the document reads like an ICT infrastructure

development policy and implementation plan rather than a national

ICT policy or strategy.

Infrastructure development is a critical challenge that underpins

making use of ICTs in all sectors of society, but, it is also necessary

to look at policies that can create an enabling environment for

broader ICT use.

While the draft policy tries to address the role of ICT in sectors

such as agriculture, health, education and e-commerce, it dwells

on implementation plans for building ICT infrastructure without

making adequate reference to relevant policy issues associated

with these sectors, for example, the issue of the right of individuals

to privacy in the health sector once health information management

is ICT enabled.

The role of civil society

We commend the document for recognising the role of civil society

in implementation, in the chapter on ‘implementation measures’,

page 58: “Civil society is a fundamental element in the

preservation of human rights and in the development and consolidation

of democracy.”

However, the document does not emphasise the importance of involving

civil society in policy formulation nor in monitoring implementation.

There are few other references to civil society in the document

and we recommend that in the next draft of the document the role

of civil society be integrated into all sections of the document,

and that the role of civil society organisations be explored in

greater depth.

2. Vision and Mission

The APC feels that a good policy framework should present a broad

course of action that guides the behaviour of governments, organisations,

corporations and individuals. It is a tool to promote a national

vision that can then form the basis for the legislation and regulation

that is instituted to help implement this vision. . The ‘vision

and mission’ section of the draft policy (chapter 3) is

not very substantial.

It dwells very briefly, and not very convincingly, on a vision

of Zambia becoming a knowledge-based economy by 2020 through the

provision and use of ICTs. The vision emphasizes the role of ICT

as an enabler of social and economic development in the priority

sectors identified. But, what is missing are the principles and

values that, linked to the vision, can form the basis of legislation

and regulation in the medium and long term. For example, there

is no mention of human rights, public participation, gender equality,

media diversity and freedoms; some of the basic building blocks

of a society in which information and communications can freely

and effectively contribute to social and economic and political


The current draft seems only to address principles related to

infrastructure provision such as the liberalization of telecommunication


3. Rationale

This section, Chapter 4, opens with a rather questionable statement: “It

has been demonstrated that countries that have achieved sustainable

economic growth and social development have largely done so through

the adoption and exploitation of ICTs.” It emphasises the

need for ‘local and foreign direct investment’ but,

while it stresses the need for coordination among government departments,

it does not sufficiently emphasise the government’s responsibility

for national social and economic development.

While APC would not deny the importance of ICTs in social and

economic development there are several other factors which play

a key role, particularly looking at a country’s development

over time, such as the structural inequality that characterises

global social and economic realities; basic infrastructure development;

human rights; education; public sector capacity and service delivery;

public participation in decision-making that impacts on people’s

lives; and freedom of information, to mention but a few. Relying

on ICTs to ‘create’ development is not a reliable starting

point for any country that is facing severe under development and

that needs to strengthen participative government.

However, some very important policy issues are raised this chapter;

the problem is that they are not addressed in any depth, for example, ‘intellectual

property’, ‘information security’ and ‘content


4. Guiding Principles

Some excellent principles are contained in this section. We recommend

that in the next draft, greater attention is given to ensuring

that the policy recommendations adhere to them. Attention should

also be given to ensure that some of the guiding principles in

the Draft ICT Policy harmonises with principles that guide other

policies (for example freedom of the media and information).

6 Policy Goals Objectives and Strategies

This section shows the wealth of work that went into developing

the strategy. It is fairly comprehensive, and covers most key

areas, but, there are some important gaps, and in some cases

critical issues are glossed over.

‘Intellectual property’, or rather, copyright,

trademarks and patents

For example, on page 20 in section 6.3 on ‘overall policy

objectives’ there is a very brief and uncritical reference

to intellectual property: “9. To accord due regard, recognition

and protection of intellectual property rights.” What does

this really mean in the Zambian context? Have the limitations of

current intellectual property regimes on using ICTs for development

been explored? For example the impact of copyright restrictions

on university libraries, or the cost of government having to enforce

adherence to software licences of international software monopolies?

We recommend that the each of areas of copyright, trademarks and

patents (incorrectly lumped together as ‘intellectual property’)

be explored in its own right in the next draft of the document.

The role of the media, in particularly community media

On page 22 the government declares its commitment to “Developing

appropriate local multimedia content by; a. Accelerating the implementation

of the national cultural policy by using ICTs; b. Promoting the

production and dissemination of products and services that reflect

the needs, interests, cultural values and realities in the country;

c. Encouraging the harnessing and development of local knowledge


However, this paragraph does not mention the importance of a vibrant

and free media sector, nor the important role the community media

can play in developing and disseminating local content. Also, while

APC supports the recognition by governments of the importance of

investing in local and useful content, we want to sound a word

of caution: ‘Who decides what content reflects the needs

and realities of the country? Who decides what the cultural values

are? Such norms can easily be used as a basis for limiting freedom

of expression, particularly when content is perceived as being

critical of government.

Youth and gender

On page 48 there is a section on ‘youth and gender’.

Both these areas are important and should indeed be mentioned in

an ICT policy document, but, lumping them together tends to reinforce

the marginalisation of women and young people. We propose that

in the next draft young people and women are addressed in separate

sections, with gender being dealt with consistently as a cross-cutting


On a positive note, this section is one of the few in which there

is a mention of civil society as a stakeholder.

ICT services

Section 6.4.10 on ICT services has good content, and in particular

we strongly support the objective to expand community radio which

is mentioned on page 53 and the multi-faceted approach to providing

public access.

However, there is no explicit reference to the use of voice over

internet protocol (even though the current monopoly of Zamtel over

VoIP is mentioned in chapter 2) and there is an over-reliance on

private sector investment in rolling out these services.

We also feel this section does not mention the critical importance

of community based structures and civil society entities in establishing

and maintaining such services.

7. Measures

Chapter 7 focuses on implementation measures an outlines the roles

of different groups. As mentioned above we believe that the role

of civil society needs to be developed n greater depth.

We also recommend that the section on multi-lateral trade on page

59 be reviewed to reflect more critically and expansively on both

the threats and opportunities that current trade regimes hold for

the use of ICTs for development in a country such as Zambia.

8. Comments on Specific Policy Issues of Concern to the APC

Some important policy concerns are mentioned as action points for

implementation without a clear enough policy position that would

give direction during implementation. Some are left out altogether.

A few of these worth mentioning:

  • The Right to Access

    While the draft policy does address some important elements of

    the right to communicate, such as universal access (through the

    planned universal service fund and its implementation) there

    is insufficient emphasis on mechanisms that would monitor the

    implementation of universal access. Nor does it addressing financing

    convincingly. The document emphasizes the role of the private

    sector and government in funding universal service through a

    % of revenue and a levy but this does not guarantee that enough

    funds will be made available. Not does it guarantee implementation.

    The government should explore more innovative ways to realise

    universal service and not merely rely on universal service funds

    to ensure that every citizen has access to affordable and universally

    accessible ICTs, for example effective liberalisation to allow

    for competitive service delivery based on deregulation of low

    cost options such as wireless connectivity and voice over internet.

    We also believe that all the recommendations made with regard

    to public and universal access should be reviewed from the perspective

    of ensuring equal access for women and men.

  • Freedom of expression and information exchange

    Chapter 4 on ‘rationale’ proposes that the policy

    framework addresses constitutional matters such as freedom of


    and access to information. However, the draft policy does not go

    into detail on any of the issues related to ensuring that freedom

    of expression and information exchange will be ensured in the use

    of the internet, not does it mention what policy would be implemented

    to prevent censorship and secure the freedom to engage in public

    protest and online debates.

  • Diversity in the ownership and control of content

    and the content itself

    The draft policy framework emphasises the need for developing

    appropriate local multimedia content but fails to address the

    ownership and

    control of content; an aspect that would impact on content diversity.

  • Free/open source software, technology development, copyright,

    trademarks and patents

    The document fails to address the crucial issues of patents and

    copyright in the production of software. Current regimes restrict

    the development of local software industries in developing countries,

    increases the profits of foreign owned software producers with

    monopolistic practices often illegal in their countries of origin,

    limits the development of software appropriate to local needs,

    and does not build local technical capacity and creativity. There

    is a widespread free and open source software (FOSS) movement in

    Africa and several governments reflect this in their policy documents

    and we are surprised that this is not the case in the draft Zambian

    policy. It raises the concern that the document might be avoiding

    contentious areas deliberately.

    We also note that when the issue of intellectual property rights

    is mentioned in various sections of the document it is usually

    to say that the government would ensure the protection of intellectual

    property rights. Current intellectual property rights have mostly

    been benefiting developed countries where ownership of patents,

    trademarks and copyright is held, at the expense of developing

    countries. It is thus imperative that alternate options such as

    FOSS be pursued, and that the impact of copyright on information

    dissemination be considered.

  • Global information commons

    There are several references to the need for information production

    and dissemination, but the document does not address the impact

    of the increasing commodification of information and information

    services on ‘information for the public good’.

  • Privacy and SPAM

    The issue of privacy is only mentioned as a concern to citizens

    who may be hesitant to use e-government channels. Protecting

    the privacy of users of ICT services at all levels is essential

    if the government wants to build an enabling environment for

    the use of ICTs. Crucial privacy issues needs to be addressed

    to ensure certain minimum conditions are adhered to like data

    protection, freedom from surveillance, the right to secure, private


    The issue of SPAM (unsolicited commercial email) should also be

    addressed. It is critical that SPAM is addressed at all levels,

    including in national policy and regulatory frameworks. SPAM is

    impacting on the cost of using and running the internet, and violates

    the privacy of individual users.

  • National governance of the internet

    The draft policy framework fails to address issues related to governance

    of the internet and the participation and scrutiny by all stakeholders,

    particularly non-commercial stakeholders as far as the Zambia

    domain name is concerned.

  • Awareness, protection and realisation of rights

    Finally we also find the draft policy does not adequately address

    the promotion and protection of rights. For example, in the

    case of universal services, unless communities and citizens

    are aware

    that a policy document provides for their rights to access,

    they will not be in a position to lobby for the implementation


    those rights.

    The draft policy should give guidance on what measures and institutions

    will responsible for informing people about their rights when using

    ICTs and what mechanisms will be in place for people to make use

    of should they feel their rights are violated.

9. Conclusion

In spite of the various points of criticism contained in our comments

we commend the Zambian government for undertaking this process

and for the addressing ICTs as an important area, was well as

an issue that should be mainstreamed in sectoral policies. The

document is generally comprehensive and adopts a holistic approach.

We look forward to the next draft.

Association for Progressive Communications

30 April 2004

Author: —- (Chakula)


Source: Chakula

Date: 05/02/2004

Location: JOHANNESBURG, South Africa

Category: Internet Rights – Africa
