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The Membership Working Group is an advisory committee made up of volunteers from among member representatives, and then appointed by the APC board of directors.

Purpose: to actively build APC membership with the participation of current members
Duration: This is a standing committee. Participants change from time to time.
Convenor and MWG facilitator: Karel Novotný, APC Knowledge Sharing Coordinator
Members: Regional diversity in this group is very important. Members as of April 2015:

1. Anriette Esterhuysen, APC Executive Director, South Africa
2. John Dada, Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria
3. Shahzad Ahmad,, Pakistan
4. Liz Probert, GreenNet, UK
5. Mark Graham, IGC, US
6. Hamada Tadahisa, JCA-NET, Japan
7. Maya Sooka, APC Finance Manager, South Africa
8. Ariel Barbosa, Colnodo, Colombia

Role and responsibilities:

  • reviewing new applications for membership and making recommendations to the board of directors
  • reviewing membership policies and procedures
  • identifying potential new members
  • making recommendations regarding membership terminations

Good skills to have:

  • Understanding of APC’s membership criteria, procedures and policies;
  • experience in other membership-based organizations;
  • good networking experience;
  • familiarity with civil society issues.
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