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Universal Access to ICT refers that everyone in a population has access to publicly available communication network facilities and services (Karla added this). Access refers to access to the internet, digital connectivity and devices that enable this connectivity. Universal services constitute: Availability: Is there available access to the Internet in your area? Is there a nearby point of connection to the Internet? If yes, this is just the first step to having Internet access. Affordability: Is that access affordable? How does the cost compare to other essential goods? What percentage of your income do you need to pay for access? Quality of service: Are the upload and download speeds sufficient for the local needs of Internet users? Relevance: Does the connected community have the necessary skills and technologies? Is there local interest and understanding of the relevance of Internet access? Are there locally available mobile apps? Is there content in the local language and relevant to the people in the community? Additional divides: Other areas that can create digital inequality include security, interconnectivity, digital literacy, and access to equipment.

Acronyms and synonyms

Universal Access to ICT

Style information

term written in lower case

How to use the term

You can use access or Universal Access to ICT in case it is not clear (Karla).