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The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) is undertaking a major study of developing country participation in the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). This study builds on the analysis of developing country involvement in information and communication technologies (ICT) decision making in the ‘Louder Voices’ report, published in 2002, and on a review of African participation in the first phase of WSIS which APC undertook last year.

The aim of the study is to identify ways in which developing country governments, businesses and civil society organisations can increase their influence in international ICT and information and communications for development (ICD) issues, and particularly support the implementation of WSIS’ objectives.

The study will look at the whole WSIS process up to and including the summit itself in Tunis in November. It will include:

- analysis of the composition of delegations and documentation presented to the second phase of WSIS and its preparatory meetings;

- a questionnaire survey of a substantial sample of developing country participants in WSIS PrepComs, the second Summit and at least one regional preparatory conference;

- interviews with selected delegates in preparatory meetings and the Summit, and with selected multilateral and development agency personnel;

- case studies of up to eight national decision-making processes related to WSIS;

- case studies of up to five specific issues considered in the Summit; and

- specific analysis of the contributions of the private sector and civil society, and of thematic and sectoral caucusing.

The first part of the study took place at the Africa regional meeting in Accra, Ghana (January/February 2005). The second part is taking place at PrepCom 2 in Geneva during February 2005. Important aspects of this second part include:

- participant observation of the work of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) and the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms (TFFM) as well as WSIS plenary and other meetings;

- interviews with participants from case study countries, other regions and international organisations;

- and a questionnaire, to be emailed to participants after the meeting, seeking their views and commentaries on PrepCom 2 and the WSIS process to date.

An announcement will be posted widely in WSIS, ICT4D lists and other relevant spaces towards the end of PrepCom II (Feb 14-25). The survey will be available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Author: —- (APCNews)


Source: APCNews

Date: 02/16/2005

Location: MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay

Category: Information Exchange